Old Scholars


Find all information about upcoming Reunions below.

NHS 1963-1964

See Initial Information from the organising committee here.

50 Year Reunion - 1970-1974 Cohorts

Saturday 2 November 2024.

The Pavilion Café at The Feathers Hotel, 520 Glynburn Rd, Burnside, SA, 5066.

This will be a cost of $50.00 per head.

For a formal invitation and payment information, please contact: 1974NIHS.50year.reunion@gmail.com

Teachers and students of these cohorts are all welcome.

Year 12 Graduation 2023

Celebrate the achievements of our graduates. Explore Norwood International High School’s Old Scholars section for year 12 graduation highlights and more.

Norwood International High School

We are a vibrant, progressive learning community with 1700 students from diverse cultural backgrounds, located in the foothills of eastern Adelaide.