Life at NIHS

At Norwood International High School, we foster a dynamic, globally-focused student life from Middle to Senior School.

Student Leadership

Students can apply for a range of leadership positions throughout their education at Norwood International High School. Each position has different roles and responsibilities, providing students with diverse opportunities and experience

Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing is paramount to students’ success in school and in life in general. At Norwood International High School we aim to support students to thrive academically, physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. This is achieved through a holistic and multi-layered approach.​

Co-Curricular Opportunities

Norwood International High School offers an extensive range of co-curricular clubs and activities providing students with the opportunity to share their passions and interests whilst strengthening school culture and connectedness. Students are empowered to lead their clubs and activities with the support of a teacher and Student Life Prefect.

House System

Norwood International High School house system has been a part of the school since 1993. The system has evolved over time to increase the connection of students and staff, through changes to house names, an increase in activities and events, and increased opportunities for students to become involved.

Daily Organisation

Explore Norwood International High School’s daily organisation, including our Laptop Program, Uniform Policy, Canteen, and Daymap access.

A place to grow,
learn and discover

Step into a world where your unique talents are nurtured and celebrated – join Norwood International High School and embark on a journey to personal excellence and global citizenship.