Special Interest Programs

Italian Immersion, Rowing & STEM

Norwood International High School is proud to offer three Special Interest Programs

Applications for 2026 are now open!

Application process information is located below.

Italian Immersion

The Special Interest Italian immersion program is a unique and innovative approach of learning Italian through Humanities and Humanities through Italian. Students are taken on a journey, immersed in Italian from the beginning. They develop high levels of Italian language together with a growth in understanding of concepts and perspectives in Humanities.
Our program challenges students to think critically and to discover more about the world. Students explore multiple perspectives of the historical and geographical concepts which contributes to a richer world view. Students have the opportunity to develop strong language skills and intercultural understanding which enables them to connect more authentically as engaged global citizens.
It is not a prerequisite that students have studied Italian at primary school or are of Italian background.
Through the program, students become effective communicators and emerge with an understanding of how to use language within, between and across languages and cultures. These literacy skills are transferred across the other Learning Areas.
Students have the opportunity to apply the skills and experiences in real world contexts, such as interacting with our Sister School in Italy.
Students grow as global citizens, expanding their horizons through integrated learning experiences. They develop resilience and confidence and become more open minded, welcoming, and embracing of change. Students learn to trust in their own ability, preparing them to face the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

Structure of the Program

Our program is designed as a 3 year program, starting in year 7 and concluding at the end of Year 9. Students will then have the to study Stage 1 Italian in Year 10. Students selected for this program are placed together in the same Italian and Humanities classes opportunity over the 3 years.
In this program, students accelerate their learning of Italian and Humanities through both subjects. The learning is carefully structured and sequenced to foster success in both subjects, at the same time building students critical thinking and problem-solving skills in a safe and collaborative environment. This means that students with little/no Italian language experience quickly feel confident to develop the necessary language skills for successful participation in both subjects.
There is no application fee for required for the application process into the Special Interest Italian Program.

Come and Try Dates for the 2026 Italian Immersion Special Interest Program will be held at the school on the following days:

  • Tuesday 20 February 2025 – 3:45pm-4:45pm
  • Tuesday 25 February 2025 – 3:45pm-4:45pm
  • Thursday 27 March 2025 – 3:45pm-4:45pm

Bookings Essential via TryBooking.

Rowing Program

Norwood International High School is committed to delivering a Special Interest Rowing Program (SIRP) that provides opportunities to develop student’s rowing skills, their time-management, organisation, leadership, and teamwork. Students will study rowing as part of the HPE curriculum and can follow the rowing pathway from years 7 through to 11, including a 10-credit stage 1 course. The Norwood International High School Special Interest Rowing Program incorporates a talent identification selection process whereby students from within and outside the NIHS zone can apply to enrol at the school.

Successful students who gain entry to the Special Interest Rowing Program will need to commit to the Special Interest Rowing Program and associated activities until at least the end of their Year 10 season. This involvement will take precedence over any other sporting/extra-curricular activity. The Special Interest Rowing Program operates alongside the Norwood International High School Rowing Club, which is open to all NIHS students as a summer sport. It is compulsory for students within the Special Interest Rowing Program to also join and participate in the Rowing Club Activities.
As a student develops and evolves within the Special Interest Rowing Program they actively engage and improve their ability to be organised, work within a team environment, become a leader and be part of a likeminded community. It provides an environment to successfully develop their aptitude for rowing in a high-performance pathway. A real-world environment is created to develop and understand areas including technology in sport, training principles, skill acquisition, group dynamics, nutrition, and performance analysis.

The curriculum students will follow is guided by the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) and/or South Australian Certificate of Education requirements. Throughout terms 1 & 2 student will undertake rowing focused units, while terms 2 & 3 allows for the core curriculum to be facilitated. Practical lessons see students develop and apply rowing skills including, Sculling (Singles, Double, & Quads), Sweeping (Pairs, Fours, Eights), Coxing and Coaching. Off the water students engage with various practical activities such as fitness training, strength and conditioning sessions, competition and racing strategies, and group dynamics/team building Students will study a range of theory-based rowing specific content, terminology, risk assessment and management, principles of training, leadership/teamwork, health/wellbeing/resilience, performance affecting factors, performance/technique analysis, and rowing history/evolution.

Through the program student are guided by high level educators and world class rowers and coaches including previous Olympic and Commonwealth games athletes. This blended with a team of old scholars creates a community of likeminded people to support, challenge and develop each student.

Please Contact Ms Talitha Benson (Rowing Manager) via dl.0787.rowing@schools.sa.edu.au

STEM Program

Our STEM program pushes curious minds to investigate Science, Mathematics, and Technology and learn to think critically, imagine creatively, and be ready for the jobs of the future. The program has a focus on students using critical thinking and inquiry skills to find their solutions to real-world problems whilst integrating with industry leaders.
​You’ll connect STEM to real life contexts and be equipped with skills that transfer to whatever you set your mind to. Through the learning they will not only learn the content but will learn skills that allow them to transfer this knowledge to different and new contexts. This program sets students up for success in our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme or SACE study programs.
The students will study the STEM program across a completely integrated Science, Mathematics and Technologies program. They will be learning from passionate educators and industry experts about topics that they care about and can have a deep connection to.

The program is designed as a 3 year program starting in year 7 and concluding at the end of year 9.

Bookings for the HAST Test for 2026 are now open and are a cost of $100. Bookings via TryBooking.
The students will be completing the HAST: Reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning and abstract reasoning test. An information booklet can be found here.


All interested students are required to complete the online application form, upload supporting documentation and organise a teacher supporting statement.

NB STEM applicants must register for and complete the HAST Test as well as the online written application form. Please contact the school if the student has completed a similar HAST test in early 2025.

Registration for the HAST test (for STEM applicants only). All STEM applicants are required to undertake the HAST test. Payment and registration information is available here.

Applications close on Tuesday 1 April 2025.

Online Application Form

Application Information

All interested students will be required to complete the online application form, upload supporting documentation and provide a vodcast based on the information below.

NB STEM applicants must register for and complete the ACER Test as well as the online written application form. Please contact the school if the student has completed a similar ACER test in early 2025. Registration for the ACER test (for STEM applicants only). All STEM applicants are required to undertake the ACER test.

Students must complete the Application Form to be elligable for a place in the Special Interest Programs at Norwood International High School.

Italian Immersion

Please provide a vodcast (up to 2 minutes in length) in response to the questions below.

  • Why do you wish to be part of the Italian Immersion program at Norwood International High School?
  • What does the opportunity to learn another subject (History/Geography) in another language mean to you?
  • Provide an example of how you have overcome any challenges you might have faced in your learning?
  • Provide an example of how you have collaborated with others as a member of a group
  • How do you communicate your ideas effectively?

Rowing Program

Please provide a vodcast (up to 2 minutes in length) in response to the questions below.

  • Why do you want to be involved in the Special Interest Rowing Program at Norwood International High School?
  • What will you gain from this learning and sporting experience?
  • How will you contribute to this program and our club?
  • Describe your character qualities that will be valuable to your success in this program.
  • Provide an example that highlights your strengths and your ability to work as a member of a team.

STEM Program

Please provide a vodcast (up to 2 minutes in length) in response to the questions below.

  • Discuss why you wish to be part of this Special Interest STEM program at Norwood International High School.
  • Discuss what your peers will gain from having you in the STEM program.
  • Share a STEM experience that you are most proud of.
  • Give an example of when you have struggled as a STEM student and explain how you overcame this challenge.

Check out our programs….

For more information about these programs please view the video and information below.

Additionally, our 2025 Special Interest Programs Brochure will be available shortly.

A place to grow,
learn and discover

Step into a world where your unique talents are nurtured and celebrated – join Norwood International High School and embark on a journey to personal excellence and global citizenship.