Year 7-12 Enrolment

Enrolment Process

Families of students in Years 8 to 12 (or Year 7 students who are seeking to enrol mid-year) are asked to complete the Online Registration of Interest form to begin this process.

Embark on the first step towards a world-class education at Norwood International High School. Our enrolment enquiry process is designed to provide you with all the necessary information, ensuring a smooth transition for your child into our nurturing and diverse learning community. Reach out today, and let’s start this exciting educational journey together. Please note that this registration of interest is not a formal offer of enrolment.

Our school has had a Capacity Management Plan (CMP) in place to help the school return to sustainable enrolments and accommodate local students. We are pleased to advise, the CMP has been revoked by notice in the SA government gazette, to come into effect from 1 May 2023. This means we will return to managing our enrolments, as other high demand schools do, within the provisions outlined in the department’s enrolment policies.

The school continues to have a school zone for our secondary school campus, from which we will accept our core intake of students each year. However, the removal of the CMP means we can again consider applications from families living outside of the school zone, when places are available.

If you have any questions, please contact our Enrolment Team on 8364 2299 or at

Registration and Enrolment Enquiries

The Registration of Interest Form is for families that are looking to enrol in the current school year. If you have a general query, please select the Enrolment Enquiry option to email the enrolments team.

Norwood International High School

We are a vibrant, progressive learning community with 1700 students from diverse cultural backgrounds, located in the foothills of eastern Adelaide.