STEM: Mastering Mars Project

Mastering Mars

We are thrilled to share the outcomes of the Mastering Mars Project, which recently concluded in Week 8 of Term 3, for our Special Interest STEM students. This exciting initiative was made possible through a generous grant from the Andy Thomas Space Foundation, allowing our students to engage deeply with the scientific and technological challenges of planning a human settlement on Mars, including an opportunity to host and interact with the Giant Mars Map.

Over the past eight weeks, our Year 7, 8, and 9 students have worked collaboratively in vertically grouped teams, tackling a range of inquiry questions related to:

  • Energy Production
  • Habitat Construction
  • In-Situ Resource Management
  • Food Production
  • Health and Well-Being of Humans on Mars

Our STEM students engaged in a range of excursions to support the project which included:

  • Hamilton Space School – Mars Experience
  • Space Passport EXPO
  • Australian Space Discovery Centre
  • Hallett Cove Conservation Park

These experiences gave students the opportunity to explore the challenges involved in designing settlement on Mars and access expertise from scientists, engineers and other professionals currently working in the space industry in South Australia. The collaboration and mentorship displayed by our students was outstanding. On the final presentation day, each group showcased their innovative solutions to the challenges of Mars settlement. Their presentations were impressive and received positive feedback from our visiting panelists, which included:

  • Professor Gordon Cable AM, a leading expert in Space Medicine from the Australian National University
  • Samuel Nitschke, a third-year student studying Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Physics
  • Luke Starczak, a former STEM Leader
  • Our dedicated school leaders, Amanda Walsh (Principal), Jason Schutt (Deputy Principal), Dani Gagliardi (Director of Middle School) and Chris Barratt (Science/STEM Leader)

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the teachers who supported our STEM students throughout this project. The skills, capabilities, and resilience demonstrated by our students are a testament to the collaborative learning environment nurtured across all subjects. Their accomplishments are truly a reflection of the support they receive from our entire school community.

We also appreciate the flexibility and understanding of all staff members who adjusted their programs to accommodate this project. A special thank you goes to our support staff, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. We are particularly grateful to Jo and Nilmini (Laboratory Technicians), whose assistance was invaluable as students developed their experiments, often at short notice.

Finally, we wish to express our deepest gratitude to our STEM teachers. They devoted significant amounts of their NIT time over the past eight weeks to guide and inspire our students. Their passion for STEM education not only enriches our program but also enhances the overall learning experience at NIHS.

As we reflect on the achievements of the Mastering Mars Project, we are filled with pride for our students and gratitude for the collaborative spirit that made this experience possible. Thank you for your continued support of our school and its programs. We look forward to more exciting initiatives in the future!

Dani Gagliardi
Director of Middle School

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