At the end of Term 1, the Stage 2 Outdoor Education class participated in a Rock Climbing camp at Mt Arapiles, near Horsham in Victoria.
Over four days, the students were able to develop their knowledge around Rock Climbing techniques and Safety in Cliff Environments by Top Roping at a variety of locations and working together in small groups to make their own individual improvements. Students had the opportunity to be guided on a multi-Pitch climb by our experienced and qualified guides. The students were able to experience climbing higher cliffs than before and were exposed to traditional climbing, where the guide places anchors along the way and climbs multiple pitches (or rope lengths), stopping at ledges along the way to take in the views.
This camp was the culmination of the student’s climbing experiences, both this year and in previous years of Outdoor Education and Mt Arapiles was a special location to spend our time soaking up the culture of Rock Climbing and appreciate the quality rock that brings climbers from all around the world.
Alicia Anson
Outdoor Education Teacher